
We moved into our house in June of 2008. It is a 1953 house (newish for our colonial town’s standards), that had been occupied by a 97 year old woman. It was in rough shape. We had flower wallpaper in our bedroom that was loud enough to keep you up at night. It was promptly torn down. The wall to wall carpet, full of dog germs was all ripped out. We have literally re-done every surface in that house now except for the bathroom ceiling and the kitchen.
Our latest project was the guest room. Ray and worker bee Jimmy started de-wallpapering this room a month ago, and it turned out to be the prettiest room in the house. We painted it “Sandstone Cove” which is a pretty word for “beige”, because I have a problem being bold and going with color, much to my sister in law’s dismay. The light comes in so nicely on the front of the house. We got a berber carpet and brought in a white dresser that I refinished. Last night, after I realized we were starting this journey ready or not, I went out and bought the 2″ white wooden blinds. I told Ray- “Go ahead, you start painting the back stairwell and I will hang these blinds, all by myself”. HAHAHA! I tried. I got one end screwed in. Then Ray heard feet stomping, drills buzzing, and screws stripping. It wasn’t pretty. He came and saved the day. Apparently, power tools are NOT a girl’s best friend. The room, apart from having a closet door, is now done. Needless to say, the back stairwell never got painted. That will come.
While I am proud of all of the work we have done, we have a big list still to conquer. The kitchen is a disaster in and of itself, but it will have to wait. Thankfully it’s tucked in the back of the house, and Ray does all the cooking, so I can pretend it doesn’t exist.
Our To Do List:
Hang closet door in the guest room
Cover random exposed wires in living room
Trim in new dishwasher
Buy rug for kitchen
Scrape and re-paint bathroom ceiling
Paint back stairwell
Remove 2 trees from front gardens
Change blinds in living room, dining room, kitchen, and bathroom (11 sets! YIKES!)
That’s not too bad of a Honey Do list, do ya think? At least the expensive stuff is over and done with. My bank account thanks me for that.

Before (With previous owner’s stuff still in there- notice the linoleum?):

During (We kept the big hutch- couldn’t get it out if we wanted to!):


After (We’ve added things so it doesn’t look so empty! Why does my furniture look so red? And why do my sage green walls- which I am so proud of because theyre not beige, look beige?):
